(This is a custom clip and I can make one for you too! Just email me at emmasecretmln@yahoo.com or send me a DM) You are a working, professional housewife, and have just come home from a long day at work while your husband is out of town, tired, dressed in a very normal-sensible professional outfit with a skirt enjoying a glass of Tea. You turn around to find your husband’s ex-girlfriend “Suzie” in your room. “What the fuck are you doing here, Suzie?! Dan doesn’t want to see you, and he’s out of town anyway! Listen, it’s not my fault that Dan was looking for someone smarter and more professional for a real relationship. …what do you mean you figured out how to fix that?" You are furious - but then start to get a little nervous when she starts talking about what she put into your tea She reveals to you that you’ve been given experimental Potion that makes you increasingly horny - but people who use it also get dumber every time they cum. At first, you are just angry and disbelieving but subtly start squirming a little…and then start to realize with horror that you are getting more and more horny. At first you try to play it off (“N-No…I’m n-not getting h-horny! Just l-leave!”) but then you start to beg her to make it stop - and you’re increasingly terrified about the second part, and what will happen when you cum. Finally, you can’t take it and shove your hands under your skirt and start desperately playing with yourself, utterly mortified that she is watching you play with yourself. [Ideally here, you are still trying to keep yourself covered/hidden from her - so maybe you tug your panties around your ankles with your fingers inside yourself under your skirt as you play with yourself - I am fine if it is a slow burn to get you naked} Finally you cum and after you do you put your hand to your head, dizzy… [“Ohhhh…wh-what…I f-feel…so…weird..head’s…fuzzy…what…what do you mean that’s me getting dumber! I’m n-not getting dumber…what’s…what’s five times seven?! It’s…it’s…[thinking…looking scared[ forty-five! Ha! See! I…oh…oh god…why am I s-still so horny! Stop laughing at me!!!” “What do you mean it’s going to get harder and harder to cum…?"] You start to play with yourself again, struggling to fight it - and start to glance over [somewhere where you have hidden one of your dog dildos - maybe in a box under the bed?], as you’re horny and needing something more inside you…but you’re mortified at the idea of letting her see what toy you are craving. [“Sh-shut up! I d-don’t need a t-toy…or…anything bigger inside me…oh god…”] Finally, you can’t take it - and you crawl down to get them and pull out the box and take out a dog dildo. You are UTTERLY mortified that she’s watching you with it and laughing at you [“SHUT UP! S-Stop laughing at me! I - It’s just a toy!! No, Dan doesn’t know, no one does! Oh god-“] - but you climb onto the bed and start to fuck yourself with it, moaning and finally cumming. After you cum, you stop with it inside you. You get dizzy again - and now it’s starting to become clear from your speech that you are, in fact, getting dumber [“Ohhhh…why…why I feel so funny? Hardta…think good…”] you look up at her, angry and sobbing as she’s laughing at you again [“STOP LAUGHING AT EMMA! I mean..me! I’s not funny!!! Im’s smart! and then she reveals something to you [“Huh? What - ew no I’m no licking your pussy gross! I hate you! Wha’s a an-tie-dote… no, i knows that word! Pussy juice…slows the…making me dumber? I - mine is good too?” You stop and sniff the fingers you had inside yourself and - though you are clearly grossed out by it, you start to lick them off. Then you swallow and slide the dog dildo out of yourself…and lift it up to start licking it clean… After a few moments of that, you angrily stop as Suzie is laughing at you again - and just said “Oh my god, you are so dumb!”, and you yell at her angrily/crying “I NO DUMMY! I’M…SMARTIE!! SUZIE IS A DUMMY!!” - and then you get a scared look as she gets angry and says she’ll just leave you there for a while [“N - no! W-wait! No leave Emma like this! Emma - I don’t want to get more dumber! Please!!] but she backs out of the room, locking you in before you can get to her Some time later - Suzie is re-entering your room. The room is strewn with toys that you have been fucking yourself with for hours, as well as your clothes which you have taken off by this point. You have moved to fucking a bat which you are sliding in and out of you, naked and moaning You’re super frustrated - as it has been some time now since you’ve been able to make yourself cum, and you look up at Suzie with horror, sobbing and moaning but also not stopping [“OH god…oh god help Emma! No laugh Emma! ...Emma so horny <sob> Emma no think so good now…”] and you look down - and realize Suzie has an actual dog with her. You look confused and a little horrified “Why Suzie has doggie?” Then you look more horrified as Suzie reveals
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