"Damn I'm gassy." Walk to couch fanning butt, slip off shoes and sit down.Prop feet out in front of you. "Hey baby, how was your day?" Just talk to your man while farting. Occasionally itch between toes. Talk about being out with friend and going to eat, etc. Fart in between talking. Don't acknowledged farts at first. Sometimes talk loud over a fart. Sometimes deny you farted but fan smell away from you. Sometimes rub belly. Just keep talking and farting. Near middle, rip huge fart and act embarrassed. "Oops....Oh man, sorry I got to let this out. Lift a cheek off seat and rip another one. "I'm so sorry. My belly is upset.What? ..........What? You like it? My farts? And the smell too? No I'm not letting you smell my butt. Your joking right? Oh my god your hard. Over my farts. Your being serious. No way babe. That's wierd. Damn I'm gassy. Oh my god. I cant believe this. Your wierd babe." Keep farting away and dont talk. Kinda look at camera strange trying to understand this new secret your man told you. End of clip rub belly. Fart. Then after another fart walk by camera again and fan it to camera. Walk off saying, "I got to take a dump. Your wierd babe. No, you cant hear me dump. Forget it. Weirdo.
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