Casey is out on her balcony just about to start her fitness exercise routine. This is a custom video for a fan. She is wearing a pair of skimpy gold shorts and a short red top. She introduces the video in English to her fan John and says she's going to start off wearing her shorts and top. The music starts up and Casey starts her exercise routine. Using the sofa she kneels on it and reaches down for the floor, letting her boobs dangle and hang out of her top. She then adjust her position to be on all fours on the floor. The camera is in low and close and you see Casey's squeezing her tits onto the floor. She then does some jumping jacks, or star jumps. These are shown at normal speed and in slow motion. You can hear her tits slapping and clapping against her body as she jumps. Casey then shakes, shimmies and lets her tits dangle as she shakes them. Then onto some stretching exercises whilst standing. Bending over to touch her toes. We see this facing forwards and from behind too. Then there's some jogging on the spot, with a change in position so you can see from the front, side and rear. Followed by some more boobs shaking and swinging. Casey then removes her shorts and top and does some dancing and shaking of her ass, boobs and thighs. More jumping jacks in the nude, which look awesome. Her heavy boobs slam against her body with a resounding thud. Again this is shown in slow motion and at normal speed. More dancing, jogging on the spot and other exercises brings this epic 25 minute video to a close.
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