As I'm scrolling craigslist looking for photographers, a particular ad catches my interest- a FREE photoshoot in a luxury hotel! Trade for print, and promised he'll take 'extremely good care of me.' I send a message and get an immediate reply. He sounds super sweet and professional. We set a date and I meet him at the room. I brought many sexy outfits for the boudoir set. I can tell he's getting a little tuned on with the bulge coming from his kakhis. As I'm changing into my final outfit, he ask me if i want to pose nude. I accept. Another offer is made, telling me he brought his video camera as well- and if I wanted to try making some adult content. I say I've never done it before. He offers to go down on me only- which who could refuse that! His tongue swirls up and down my slit, making me wet with excitement. It's even hotter to have it on camera. I can only focus on his mouth which keep licking and sucking on my lady parts, giving me multiple bursts of pleasure. After a long, wet and wild pussy eating session and I can come no more, I pack up my things and make sure to save his number! WOW...
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