Financial control is what really makes your dick hard. The feeling of being totally controlled pleases your soul no end. To be given a budget, an allowance of mere pennies feels you with self worth. Knowing your hard earned cash is being spent deservedly on me and getting nothing in return is only what you deserve. Let me take control of your finances, see me spend all your cash on whatever I like and in return you will live the life of poverty. You will eat bare rations and live the life of my robotic worker.All I care about is your money, all I care about it spending it on anything I want. I don't care how it affects you, or your family or your health. That means nothing to me. You are such a loser for me, you can't help yourself. You just have to say yes and give me control. I will financially fuck with you like never before, I will ensure you know your place in life and you will be left broke, feeling completely inadequate and totally inferior yet even weaker than ever. Cash is the only way you can gain my attention and that is what you ache for so bad.
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