Guess what honey? My boyfriend gave me a present that I think you’re going to absolutely love. Look at this pretty new butt plug. It feels so good in my ass. He knows just how to please me in every way. He bought it so that my ass would be ready for his big cock when he gets done fucking my pussy. It always took a lot of work to get his big dick in my ass so he thought this would make it a bit easier. He was right. I love when cums in my ass as the grand finale of the night. It means he took me in every way. He’s such a stud. He has decided that he doesn’t like the fact that you get to fuck me when he’s not around though. He wanted me to have something so that you’re constantly reminded of his ownership of my pussy and ass. So, whenever I let you stick your pathetic little dick in me I will be wearing the butt plug from now on. Now, I would let you stick your little penis in me, to let you see what sex with me will feel like from now on, but he fucked me hard tonight. I’m too sore for even your sad little pecker. So, instead, I’ll insert the plug and let you wank that tiny, useless thing while I tell you all about what he did to me, and what it’s going to be like for you, never having your wife’s pussy all to yourself ever again. Keep jerking until I give you a cum countdown, you useless fuck, then eat the submissive mess that leaks from your little dick, for me.
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