After his tour in Vietnam, her fellow vigilante bullshiter The Comedian brought back some interesting tobacco. He had noticed Ms. Jupiter was a little tightly wound and offered to let her have some of his personal stash. She quietly goes off to her room a few weeks later after everyone is out on patrol and definitely finds her way to some R&R. She puffs away on her little black piece, pulling out thick clouds of smoke & coughing herself silly as she goes to blow them out. Before she knows it she's feeling cozy as hell, almost too cozy. She starts touching her tight body and before she can talk herself out of it, she's grabbed her "back massager" and starts working her way to orgasm. She squirms and shakes as she gets closer and closer to cumming, until she explodes into a sticky, loud mess. She can definitely be a little looser fighting the bad guys now that she knows The Comedian's secret to being able to laugh about everything, hehe.
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