Thank you for being flexible and having your Dr appointment online! I'm Dr Azure, it's nice to meet you. Do you have any specific reason for this appointment? Oh, you want to discuss how to best strengthen your immune system? Of course, that's very important right now! you can take supplements, excerise... and pleasure, pleasure really boosts the immune system. Do you live alone? No, you have a male roommate? Wonderful. Well, what I'm going to need you to do, Doctor's orders, is suck your roommate's cock. you put up a big fight about how you're heterosexual, blah blah blah. Look, I'll help you make the switch from ladies to men! I'll teach you a few things. I pan the camera down to reveal My big fat cock! I bet your roommate's isn't this big but.... you can practice on Mine! Look, if you have to think about Me while you suck it or turn on some "straight porn", fine- but I am ordering you, for your own well being, to suck that dick!! I promise you'll slowly acclimate to it, you'll learn to love being a cocksucker- I can tell by looking at you! The intimacy and pleasure will boost your immune system! It's for your own good to suck cock. If you need to think about your curvy redheaded doctor while you do it to prove to yourself "you aren't gay" but whatever you do, you HAVE to suck cock!
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