It's such a warm day today! I feel like my make up is practically running off my face- my brown lipstick is smearing. I ask you to check it out, it totally is! I suggest you let me test it's durability- on your face. You shake your head no, absolutely not- you don't want lipstick all over your face. Too bad! I don't care. I lunge forward and smooch you. You get pretty upset... so I use my strength to push you and pin you down on the bed! You're going to be my lipstick tester, I don't care if you like it or not! I cover your face in my brown lipstick kiss marks, smearing it with my hand and reapplying a few times as well! I cover you in my "chai" colored kisses! I even my tongue into your mouth a few times. You're going to be my little lipstick durability test canvas from now on!
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