I've been watching you for a very long time now. And, from what I've seen and the dirt I have on you, I could completely end you. Yes, I know all of your dark, shameful secrets because all this time you've been under My surveillance. It's clear that you've gone to great lengths to ensure your secrets remain hidden, so I know you would pay any price to make sure they stay that way. For nothing truly makes me happier than ruining a man's life. In fact, I've effortlessly destroyed the lives of so many men before you, without even an ounce of guilt, so what's to stop Me from ruining yours? Soon, you will be spending all of your money on Me until you are broke and bankrupt because buying My silence is very expensive and you need Me to keep your dirty secrets. The only choice you have left is being financially enslaved to Me for the rest of your life because even that is far better than being cast out and ostracized by society forever, or worse, if your secrets were to be e.x.p.o.s.e.d to everyone you know. Scared yet? Remember, I'm always watching. You've been warned...
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