After your first date with Sydney, you're back at her house enjoying a refreshing beverage. She had a good time, but she reveals to you that you're just not really her type. You're cute and everything, but the thing is that Sydney just prefers bigger guys. Maybe if you were willing to be her type? What's her type? Well, she likes big, fat men that she can control. It's a good thing you said you'd be willing to try, because Sydney put a little something in your beverage that allows her to control you with a magic remote. She can control everything about you, from your emotions to your weight. She'll show you how it works... with a push of a button, she's made you gain 10lbs in a matter of seconds! 10lbs isn't much though, so she keeps adding more weight. You can try to take the remote from her all you want, but Sydney is in control and enjoying your weight gains as she toys with you. You're huge in a matter of minutes. Fatter than you ever thought you'd get, and Sydney loves it. She taunts you with the remote as she makes you gain more and more weight. Will she take all the weight off or are you stuck at being over 200lbs heavier?? This is a custom video. No names are used. Includes: Magic Control, POV, Weight Gain Encouragement, Weight control, BBW, BHM, SSBHM, Transformation Fetish, Transformation Fantasy, Gaining Weight, Weight gain, Fat, Sydney Screams
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