~Behind the scenes of an outdoor porn shoot~ I hope that you have been enjoying our outdoor content, including our Country Creek series, Afternoon Squirting by the Creek, and Black Obsidian Chakrub in the Rain. Today, I wanted to dive a little deeper and show you some outdoors behind the scenes footage. This GoPro footage was shot while we were filming and taking photos for Black Obsidian Chakrub in the Rain. As you can tell, it really was raining! Even though we thought the rain was going to let up at the beginning of the day, it just kept going. Luckily, our GoPro is waterproof, and our DSLR is somewhat water-resistant. However, we still did our best to keep the rain off our equipment with umbrellas, ponchos, and jackets. ~Eroticism and Nature~ I was pretty soaked by the end of the shoot, but I absolutely loved shooting in the rain. There is something quite erotic about the feel of raindrops running down bare skin. The setting itself was made even more beautiful by the rain. A gentle mist settled low in the trees and hovered just above the water. The raindrops clung to the leaves and needles of the plants before gently sliding down their stems, and the pitter-patter of the steady rain created a beautiful soundtrack for the footage. We captured those ephemeral moments by filming as many cutaways as we could. We wanted to create porn that captured not only a seductive moment of sexual expression but the resplendent nature of the location.
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