Kaydens is in a mint green t-shirt, and some nice blue shorts. She shows you her Nike Hi Tops. She tells you they were expensive and that she bought them just to ruin them. And today is the day she's going to do just that. She says she mixed cornstarch with paint "to really ruin them so they can't wash out" and she also has some glue. She is such a naughty girl..is she really going to ruin her expensive trainers? The answer is a definite yes. She starts with the glue and covers the trainers with it, even getting some on the inside as well. She decides she wants to protect her shorts, which is a treat for us as she peels them off, revealing her cute orange thong panties. Then she gets some of her blue cornstarch mix..and pours it over her head..well why should her sneakers have all the fun! It pours over her face, her t-shirt and her thong panties too. Then she pours the rest over her Nikes. Next it's black cornstarch mix and she pours it over her legs and her trainers. She looks at her Nikes "These are so ruined" she giggles. Next up it's lime green cornflour gloops that goes over the trainers, before pouring the rest over her t-shirt and legs. Then it's pink gloop over the trainers, over her legs and over her head. She then bends over and, as she has sat in all the residual gloop, her lovely bottom cheeks are covered in mess too...but just to be sure, she gets some of the blue gloop and rubs it into her bottom. Then she pours some more of the lime green gunge onto her trainers, then she does the same with the blue, the pink and the black gunges, pouring them inside, as well as onto, the Nikes. .
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