If you take nothing else away from this, the one thing I want you to walk away with knowing, the one bit of knowledge that I expect you to retain is that Goddess understands you. Not just in some superficial way like the rest of the world. No. I truly and genuinely understand you. All you've wanted in life is for one person to get you. One person to look at you and see who you really are. The true you. The you that you've hidden from the rest of the world, but its exhausting. Its exhausting trying to keep up this front, but with me you don't have to. Your life isn't meant to be this constant rat race of the nicest car, the biggest house, the most beautiful woman on your shoulder. You don't truly care about the cliché "success" everyone else is seeking. For you true fulfillment comes from your servitude, submission, and devotion to me. I see the real you, and I can set you free to live the life you were meant to be. You were made to be my owned slave. I understand you, and I always will.
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