en mi viaje a la costa, ciudad del choco, fui con unos amigos a presenciar el reinado nacional del bambuco, estuvimos todo el día viendo como se presentaban las reinas de cada región, para mi sorpresa la reina de la región del sur, estaba mas que preciosa, era una morena con una figura maravillosa, la cual despertó mi deseo por ella en un par de segundos, ese día esa reina perdió en 2 lugar. esa misma noche mis amigos y yo fuimos a un bar a tomar unos tragos para disfrutar el viaje, cuando me di cuenta aquella chica esta sola en la barra, se le notaba algo triste, me acerqué presente y pregunté por qué estaba sola una chica tan bonita, me contó que estaba mal con su novio, y quería dejar todo hasta ahí, charlamos toda la noche, reímos, bailamos, y hasta cantamos juntos .. unas pocas horas de salir del sol, le dije que me había gustado mucho, ella me tomo la pierna y me dijo, Ven vamos a mi casa para desquitarme de mi novio sonriendo fuimos hasta su casa, y tuvimos una escena de sexo en la mañana y lo pude grabar, ¿Te gustaría disfrutar y fantasear con este vídeo? animar / On my trip to the coast, the city of Choco, I went with some friends to witness the national reign of bambuco, we spent the whole day watching how the queens of each region presented themselves, to my surprise the queen of the southern region was more How beautiful, she was a brunette with a wonderful figure, which woke up my desire for her in a couple of seconds, that day that queen lost in 2nd place. That same night my friends and I went to a bar to have a few to enjoy the trip, when I realized that girl is alone in the bar, she noticed something sad, I went over there and asked why a girl was so alone. beautiful, she told me that she was wrong with her boyfriend, and she wanted to leave everything there, we chatted all night, we laughed, we danced, and we even sang together ... a few hours out of the sun, I told her that I liked her a lot, she He took my leg and said, Come, let's go to my house to get even with my boyfriend smiling we went to his house, and we had a sex scene in the morning and I was able to record it, Would you like to enjoy and fantasize about this video? encourage
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