Another round of “freedom from blackmail”. This time I’m doing it a little differently. I will be calling out a number of you BY FULL NAME AND LOCATION. And I will be releasing you. Entirely. Freedom from blackmail. Is that a blessing or a curse? On one hand, you’re free from my blackmail demands - but do you really want that? On the other hand, your name and info are completely exposed, to everyone. I’ll also be calling out about 10 more slaves in the traditional blackmail hit list fashion with a list of demands. Will your name be included on either list? Probably. Even if I release you, you’re really never free from blackmail. The seed has been planted. You’re addicted already. This is hardcore. This is real blackmail. This is what you’ve always wanted. <br> I have priced this clip higher because I know you will buy it to find out if your full name has been exposed or if you’re on my regular hit list. If you fail to comply with the hit list, maybe you’ll be my next exposed and freed blackmail loser. You don’t have a choice. That’s what is so hot about blackmail. No way out. Never ending and yet arousing cycle.
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