Today your most cherished dream will come true! A girl of absolute beauty will come to you from the TV! To you - to the lonely loser! And do not think she is here for sucking your small pathetic dick and to please your lustful, sick brain! She is here to get you on your knees where you belong. Bow before She! You will be in a completely subservient position bowing before your Goddess. Does it make you feel weak? It makes you feel owned. It feels good to obey her commands. And she knows - you don’t want to be just another stroking loser for her, you want more. So there will be no stroking for you. She wants you serving She and not yourself. Your life’s purpose is to serve She. And you know you need to pay, it’s the only really right way to transfer power. The more money - the more powerful She will get, and the weaker you become. Servitude is not just a fun little fantasy that lasts five minutes while you’re jerking off that pathetic cock. Orgasms are to be earned. And you have not yet earned your reward. Remember I don’t need you, you need Me. So you should show Me how you want to serve Me!
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