I've wanted to do this for years! But now... the timing is just right! I alert the cops to some suspicious activity at my own address to get them to come by. Little do they know, that my shrinking ray is now fully operational! I sit and wait for them to arrive. I nearly pee my pants in anticipation. Finally, the doorbell rings and they start pounding away, just the way pigs do. I tiptoe to the door to try and hear how many are outside, but it's too hard to tell... SO, I open the door and unload on them, and that is the beginning of their end. They have been reduced to an 1/8th of an inch tall, and now are totally helpless in the palm of my hand! All of the horrible things you guys have done will not go unpunished. All of the racial profiling and hatred that you have spewed, you rat bastard cops deserve far worse than this. One by one I drop your pathetic asses in my mouth. I think I can taste your tiny tears as I chew you pigs up. I can't wait to digest you so I can fart you out in the toilet where you belong. email about custom clips Fuck the police! ACAB
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