Featuring Riot Starter: If you haven't purchased either clip in the "Endurance Consultation" series, here's an opportunity to get them both, all 40 minutes of footage, and to save about $6 in the process: PART 1 One benefit to having so many skilled and powerful Ladies as friends is that I am able to learn some new things here and there from them. Crossed My mind one day that while I had dummy all strapped up to the bed that I should ask My friend Riot to come in for an consultation of sorts. I already know how to work My sub over in various ways, but sometimes an independent evaluation can yield all kinds of areas for improvement! He's unsuspecting as She enters the room, confused about who She even is or what She's doing there, but Riot matter-of-factly explains that She's going to evaluate his weak spots, those areas of vulnerability. How much can his neck take? How long can he be facesat? Is he struggling too much? She gets down to business, facesitting him and critiquing his endurance. Squeezing his neck between Her powerful thighs and weakening him. Even managed to do the splits right on top of his throat while he had no choice but to lay there and struggle. She took Her notes and left to report back to Me. Later, Riot and I will both be present for the debrief and further training. FINALE In this continuation from Endurance Consultation Pt. 1, Riot invites Me in to report back on Her findings from the initial analysis. She took detailed notes on dummy's weaknesses and areas for improvement. Specifically, he was barely able to hold his breath for over a minute and his neck was very vulnerable to Her scissorholds. Riot ultimately recommended kind of a circuit training regimen, involving consistent scissorholds and facesits several times per day. We took turns going through the various holds and even in this first session, challenged him to take more. We got a little carried away with this, as this went for a solid 25 minutes. Excellent progress though as I was able to facesit for over a minute and a half, and Riot demanded a minute and 45 seconds right after! The facesits combined with a lot of squeezing left him pretty weak. He still needs to build up his endurance. Since I'm going to need to do this multiple times per day, We left him to rest for a little while!
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