A powerful evil has come upon this fair maiden, she has not been able to cum for some time, so the church of domi has come in to take action of expelling this demon within and to cure her of her woes, with the great Domi wand! She has never came across something so strong a wave to the depths of her soul she could express no resistant. She is started out to a low gentle pulse and the church has decided after this first ettempt and exhalation of this darkness within was saw threw the demon with in would attempt to reenter this vessel, as she must process to the next wave and the wand be order at what she thought was the last, she fight threw the storm and then embarrasses the warmth. Pleased with this and see no more evil for love and passion in the heated watch, the church in secret with out sawing, turn the wave to its final blow, she is unaware and it sends her body into a cease of submission, and then at last a sweat and glorious wave of transcendence can take place, she settles is now free to her release.
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