I’m visiting a huge fountain in the middle of the city. I’m wearing a pink jumper, a pink leather jacket, a glittery pair of leggings, a wooly hat, on my cute little feet I have on some pink socks and my matching pink sneakers…and speaking of pink, I’m snugly fastened into a gorgeous pink DC Amor :) As I make my way around the fountain, I act like a very naughty little scamp by pulling the waistline of my leggings down to expose the top part of my DC Amor ;) I know someone might see me, but this just adds to the thrill and makes the whole thing more fun ;) I keep the DC Amor on show, and when I take a seat on a wall, I pull the back of the leggings really low to flash even more of my pretty plastic :D My DC Amor is totally out for anybody to see! I eventually pull up my leggings, but my DC Amor is so padded and bulky that you can clearly see the shape of it underneath the material :D The fountain is very pretty…but not as pretty as what I’m wearing close against my bum :)
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