Setting: We are CIA agents in a safe house you've invited me to on the premise that you're going to sneak me into the Russian consulate by shrinking me, eating me, and taking an anti-digestive so you'll be able to safely excrete me later. Your access to my CIA profile is how you found out that I'm into vore, which is the real reason you asked me to come. Plot points: 1. For about 3 minutes you briefly explain the setting, and then start to seduce me into being willing to be swallowed. Please strip into lingerie at this point. 2. For about 3 minutes you continue seducing me, shrink me, and finally demand that I walk into your mouth. Please describe my journey through you during the seduction. 3. For about 3 minutes you express arousal at having me in your tummy, and make me worship it from the inside (you decide how I should do that, such as kissing and rubbing) or else you'll digest me. Please use graphic descriptions of what it's like for me as you partially digest me. 4. For the final three minutes, you take the anti-digestive and fall resting. When you awake the next morning, you do these two things: A. You notice me near your anus and threaten to eat me again without letting my skin recover if I don't give you a rim job from the inside. which you then enjoy. B. You then cut to a scene where you're on the toilet about to be out, and you explain what my life will be now that I'm your sex/tummy slave to be repeatedly eaten, excreted, cleaned off, and used again...et cetera. Rogue agent swallows you.
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