I love playing with tiny little men I find, especially while on vacation! You're a shrunken inhabitant on the islands just minding your own business when suddenly you hear some booming footsteps coming your way. Normally the giant human would simply not even notice your tiny little figure crawling in the grass and walk on by, but this is Goddess Sydney, who can smell out tiny little men a mile a way. Instantly she's upon you and is pickin you up. She calls you a little bug and puts you in her basket. Guess you're along for the ride now you don't have much choice! Sydney walks you back to her place, where she was going to snack on some fruit she picked, but the thing is you just smell so good as well! She picks you up again and plays with you before placing you at her giant feet. They are towering over you! She loves how powerless you are compared to her.. and how tasty you look! She even picks you up and licks you and dangles you over her open mouth? is this it? are you about to become her lunch?? Luckily she puts you back down again. Maybe she's had her fun and will have pity? Nope, sorry little bug - Sydney is no merciful Goddess and she likes to have her fun! She towers over you and raises her foot, playing with you just a bit more until she ultimately flattens you under her Goddess soles.. oh well there are worse ways to go!
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