"A vintage Messy Jessie classic" Annabelle and Jessie are in their bra and knickers, and agree to play a game of rock scissors paper. The winner...gets to choose whether to cover themselves in sweet or savoury mess...and Annabelle wins and decides to take the sweet mess (leaving Jessie with the savoury...but that's a different video!). Annabelle is about to start getting messy when Jessie tells her she needs to take her bra off and go topless for us! Poor Annabelle..she thought she had got away with it! So she removes her cute black bra, exposing her lovely perky boobs to the world, and leaving her in just a pair of pretty black panties. She then covers herself in custard, multiple colours of gunge, and melted chocolate. There are bucketloads of the stuff so she gets a really thorough coating Jessie can't resist calling advice and suggestions and gloats! from off screen, and even volunteers herself to throw more mess at Annabelle! Annabelle looks gorgeous covered in the mess.
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