"As President Oaks stands above Elder Dudley’s waiting body, the boy beings to wonder which Oaks he will get today. He has heard that theman is generally gentle and passionate in his lovemaking, that his strokes are long and deep and that his touch is sensitive and caring. But he has also heard that when the mood strikes he can be more aggressive, thrusting with power and vigor that shows off his virile masculinity. Dudley is unsure of which he would prefer. Perhaps a bit of both would be nice, he thinks. But as he waits on his hands and knees, he can only guess what Oaks will deliver. Dudley’s own hung cock grows thick and erect under Oaks’s body as the man comes onto him. He works his dick into the boy’s tight sphincter, easing slowly to start. Dudley savors the sensation, hoping that Oaks is enjoying the warmth of his asshole. He perks his ass out further to let the strong, salt and pepper man know that he is ready for whatever his heart desires, and Oaks seems to take him up on the offer. He strokes slowly and softly until he works himself into a more impassioned state. As soon as the beast of aggression takes hold of him, Oaks runs with it like he is being guided by a strong, ancient wind. He dips deeper into Dudley’s butt, punishing his sore hole with short, sharp thrusts that make the boy shudder in pain and pleasure. Boy and man grunt together in unison, making the ritual a fully encompassing sensory experience. On every level, these two men have become one as the older guides the younger towards the temple of service. And as Dudley’s body is showered in Oaks’s hot seed, his path forward becomes a bit clearer."
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