Triple same size vore. "The idea is that there are three people you plan on swallowing alive and whole; I'll be last. There will be lots and lots of burping throughout the whole video. Here is how every person getting swallowed can go: once inside your mouth the scene cuts to black. We hear lots of strong swallowing, gulping, slurping, all that stuff. Then we hear a sigh of relief, which means the person has been devoured, follow by a large burp. In the next scene you have a bigger belly. Keep in mind you’ll need to work your way up as there will be three people in total you'll be eating, meaning your stomach will become gradually more and more distended. You just swallowed my two female friends and you're about to swallow me. But before you do, you tease me a huge gut, burping at the camera and saying 'excuse me and pardon me' in a sarcastic manner. Finally you gulp me down as well. Having swallowed three people, you can't help but to burp almost constantly and very loudly as well. As you pat your belly you talk about how good it feels to have them (us) inside you." A custom clip. No names mentioned x
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