Belly Fetish. Belly Button fetish. Belly in Pain. Cramps. Part 2 30 min. Custom Scenario: This time the cramps start while Im sitting on a chair. Im reading book but soon you can't take the stomach aches any longer. I go to the kitchen to brew myself a tea, hoping it will soothe the cramps. But standing around is unbearable with pains like these. Soon I surrender and go to bed and writhe around in agony Clothing: Im wearing a top that shows my belly and cleavage, a tight skirt that hikes up when I double over to debunk my panties. During the bed part Im in my sexy underwear - and barefoot, of course. 1. Part: Sitting on a chair Im sitting on a chair reading a book as my stomach starts to cramp up. I shift around on my chair uncomfortably, rub my belly, cross, uncross and recross my legs, clutch the seat with my hands when the cramps peak, double over with my arms wrapped tight around my belly, rocking back and forth in pain, throwing my head back. Of course Im moaning, but rather subtly for now. Me scrunch my toes hard when the cramps hit, showing off my sexy wrinkled soles under the chair. After a while I can't sit any longer and the urge to apply some pressure to my aching belly becomes bigger and bigger. I stand up, get behind the chair and bend over its back, pushing it deep into my hard belly. While Im bent over the chair, You get to see my skirt hike up, showing my panties and my sexy ass. My moan and groan and grunt louder now in a mix of relief, despair. All the chair gymnastics don't help though, so I decide to cook myself some tea in the kitchen. 2. Part: Brewing tea in the kitchen Im standing in the kitchen, preparing some tea that will hopefully ease the unbearable cramps that are raging through my stomach, are driving me crazy, making me strain and exhaust me. But they are so horrible, brewing a tea becomes an . Especially, as there is no opportunity to sit down. And it's getting IMPOSSIBLE for me to stand up straight. I double over, bend and twist, wrap my arms TIGHT around my tummy, crouch down, lean over the counter and moan and groan and howl in sheer stomach cramping agony. IM GOING INSANE with CHURNING CRAMPS! They are so bad, I decide to do without the tea and leave for the bedroom. 3. Part Squirming in bed Like in the clip before: Even more uncomfortable, tormented squirming, belly flexing and twisting. I Curl up into a ball while lying in bed with my wrinkled soles directly under my sexy ass! Im moaning louder now. Enjoy!
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