Cali Logan and Lydia Vengeance, aka Supergirls, run in looking for the hostages, but they find nothing but an empty room and loose ropes. Lydia knows that the tracking device lead to this room, but something just isn’t right... Both Supergirls start to sniff the air... and discover something gassy. The gals start to get woozy, SuperLydia starts to yawn, and SuperCali just falls to her knees. Both super gals wallow around on the flow, trying to get up or find a way out, but nothing is working. SuperCali’s eyes roll and slowly flutter close. They eventually fall to a deep rest, completely intertwined ass-to-ass in a cat nap. SuperCali’s foot starts to twitch, and both ladies slowly peel themselves off the floor. They can’t believe they just slept right there on the floor. Again, they smell the awful smell, and hear the hiss of the gas filling the room once again. Quickly, both ladies cover their mouths and nose to try to escape the gas filling their lungs... but... it’s just too late. SuperCali and SuperLydia start to slow down... their legs appear nearly stuck in place and their arms just move ever so slightly through the air. Cali’s words are so slow you can barely make out what she’s saying... suddenly... both Supergals completely freeze in place. After a long session of being frozen, the Superladies start to come back to life! They quickly try to find an exit, but before they find a way out, the gas fills the room again... this time... making both superheroines so horny that they can’t stop themselves from sensually touching themselves, rubbing each other’s bodies, and finally erotically rubbing each other’s butts together. This must have been lesbian gas! But the affects go just as quickly as they came! The next round of gas hisses into the room, and again, down go the Superladies! This time, SuperLydia flops right on the ground, and SuperCali cuddles right on top of her with her Superbootie in the air! This 11mins minute clip includes superheroine, magic control, resting fetish, eye rolling, gas, sensual touching, humor, freeze, female domination, domination, cosplay, and costumes.
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