Candi Blows - Dick Craving Again Candi called me and said she was calling round. I have to say this is starting to unnerve me a little. She’s being all nice and coming round to see me, when really she should be pissed off at me, I mean like I said she’s not dumb this girl so what gives??? A bit of time went by and she didn’t arrive so I just thought she wasn’t coming and decided to indulge in my favourite hobby .......jacking off. She ended up turning up after all, but I didn’t hear her come in as I had my head phones in while having a wank to some porn. This was the first time she had seen my new place since I moved so, she let herself in and could hear something up stairs. She came into my office and caught me wanking. Most people would be embarrassed but not me, I couldn’t give a fuck, in case you hadn’t noticed I am a serial wanker, pervert and sleaze ball. She had come to talk about the US and the videos we had shot. I am starting to think the last time was all for show and to sweeten me up, almost as if the angry approach wasn’t something she was going to try first, but a blowjob and because she was horny was hmmmmmmm, am I over thinking this again? Anyway in a niceish kind of way she asked what was happening to the videos I sent over the the casting agents..... FUCK time to think fast Paul. I told her that I was in the middle of wanking, it was a long winded story and if I told her this very second my cock would go down and I wanted to finish up. I also asked her while she was there, instead of using my hand did she want to suck my cock and bring me off. She said she had not come for that, she wanted to talk business, I stood up and made her touch my hard cock, I told her that the sooner she sucks my cock the sooner I can fill her in on all the details she wants to know about hahaha. She wasn’t very happy but agreed if I was quick to cum, she would would suck my cock providing I gave her the information. So I lay back in my computer chair and let Candi take me in her open mouth. This girl could give me a blowjob for the rest of my fucking life and I would die a happy man I know that. I asked her if I could suck her tits, as I do love Candi’s tits and she got them out for me to suck on, boy she must really want that information from me. She stopped me after a few minutes claiming that me sucking her tits will lead me into something else and she wasn’t going to fuck me for information. She went back to sucking my cock and asked if I was going to cum soon. I thought she was saying it because she loves cum, which I know for a fact that she does but she wanted me to hurry up so we can talk business, something again I can help her with as it doesn’t take me long to cum. As she demanded she got another creamy load in her mouth..... now the hard part, telling her another bull story, I don’t think I have heard the last of this.
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