I was just out for a run as the storm came in. There are few things I love more than running in the rain; especially when I hear those loud claps of thunder booming all around Me, and see the sky light up with each strike of lightning. When I returned home, my heart was so full of love and joy, I just had to share the experience with you. Listen to the sounds of the storm (no talking in this clip- it really was filmed during a thunder storm!), and see my love for life radiating from every cell in my being as you look into my eyes, and watch me show off my soaking wet clothing and body. I take off my headband and ring it out, before letting my hair down and combing out the knots that formed from running in the pouring rain. Then, I remove my wet clothing, from my sports bra, to my pants, and finally my socks, revealing my soggy wrinkly soles, before heading inside. **Am I inviting you to follow me, or am I simply showing off before leaving you alone in the rain? I guess that's for you to decide...**
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