*Features: Therapist-patient role play; Gender transformation role play; feminization; Domination and humiliation; Descriptive talk about your male-to-female physical and mental changes.* I'm glad you've come to see me. You and your girlfriend are clearly having relationship troubles and some counseling might be just what you need. I can offer you not only my insight and advice but I also have a prescription that I'd like to go ahead and administer to you right here in the office. It's just a quick injection. It won't hurt and once it's over with, I promise that you will begin to feel like an entirely new person! Now that I've got you all doped up and now that I've got your muscles all relaxed, I'm going to straddle you and tell you what I've learned about you recently. You see, your girlfriend has already been in to see me. She and I have already talked about your relationship and all of the concerns she has about you. For your girlfriend, there is one thing in particular that seems to come up in our discussions quite frequently. And it's the fact that she feels you are....a pussy. I happen to agree with her. You walked in this door, started talking, and I could tell right away that you were a little wimp. A pussy. You wouldn't know it from your physical appearance. On the outside, you are all man. Muscles. Sharp facial features. On the inside though, you are a pussy. And you know what? I think a man's looks should match his personality. It's deceiving for you to walk around with that manly-man body when you have the personality of a sissy. Time for a change! And that's just what that injection I gave you is going to do! If you are going to act like a pussy then you should have a pussy! I'm going to change you from a manly-man to a slutty woman with blonde hair, huge tits, wet cunt, and the desire to suck cock as often as possible! Listen and watch as I describe all of your physical and mental changes. I think you're going to be much happier now that you are in the right body. The female body that you were always meant to have!
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