In the highly sought after sequel to "Shining step-Daddy's Tool" comes... "Neighborhood Slut"! Don't let the title confuse you. Yes, you're a slut, but you're MY slut who just happens to be on her knees in front of the WHOLE neighborhood. That's because it's Saturday morning. Step-Daddy always shines his tools on Saturday mornings and the motion of me doing it always makes my good girl feel tingly. That's nice and all, but the only thing I can focus on is your whore mouth. Clearly step-Daddy's dick belongs inside of it! And I bet the men in the neighborhood agree. They're going to get a little show today because the garage door is open and they can see everything. Well what are you waiting for, good girl? Put step-Daddy's tool in your mouth and suck like you've never sucked before. My balls are heavy for you and I want to fill you up to the brim with cum. Sluts like you wouldn't have it any other way.
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