After Steve walks in on me in a compromising position waiting for my boyfriend, things turn hot and heavy real quick when I notice his cock getting hard beneath his shorts. Realizing I've probably been stood up and not wanting to waste my new lingerie, I let him talk me into fixing his developing issue. I start out sucking his big cock before he bends me over to fuck me doggystyle and then missionary. We then switch so I'm on top fucking him cowgirl and reverse cowgirl and the video ends with him covering my face with his load. He even gets some in my nose! With a nice mix between POV and still camera, this 45 min long video will surely make you cum more than once just your first time watching it! Our first step brother vid was so hot and popular we just had to shoot another one! This time I get all dressed up, hair done, makeup done, new lingerie with stockings to match :)
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