Hi guys this video has been one of the funniest because I was wrong countless times but hey what I wanted to tell you is that "Hi hi I'm MyLatinCandy and I want us to meet our fans together and obviously enjoy them ... so if you have ideas, fantasies or comments share them to make them come true- Take care and kisses "I don't know how the pronunciation was but tell me what you think? hola chicos este video ha sido de los mas chistosos porque me equivoque infinidad de veces pero bueno lo que les queria decir es que "Hola hola soy MyLatinCandy y quiero que cumplamos nuestras fansias juntos y obviamente las disfrutemos... asi que si tienes ideitas, fantasias o comentarios compartelas para hacerlas realidad- cuidate y besos" no se como estuvo la pronunciacion pero cuentenme que les parecio?
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