You're not a man!!! You're just a slutty little bimbo! There's nothing manly about you! Take off that suit and put on a bikini!!! I want you to put on a bra and panties and goon! Your purpose in life is to shut the FUCK up and GOON!! DON'T THINK JUST GOON!!! Thinking is SOOOo overrated! Stop that! It's not like you're good at it anyway. Just let ME DO THE THINKING FOR YOU, YOU JUST FOCUS ON GOONING! Who's my precious little dum dum gooner? Is it you?? Are you the best, the sluttiest little gooner around? Goon for me...Tell me what you are... cuz you're not a man... I'll give you a little hint... you're a BIMBO. You're my slutty little bimbo gooner boy, aren't you? No masculinity left in you. All you are is a horny shell of a man... you're NOTHING BUT A SLUTTY LITTLE BIMBO. Dumb bimbos like you listen to Princess Thrashie and get your holes filled!!! Don't think, just goon for me... up and down.
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