ORDER: You are lying on your side in bed like this (attached picture), you have just woken up. You say morning, how did you sle ep (blah blah who cares ) then you go "oh, man, you're in luck today, I feel a big one" and let loose a big fart, while still lying on your side. You sigh and smile, saying you were saving that one for me. You continue to let out big farts while under the covers and lying on your side, sighing with relief and saying how you love letting out big morning farts, especially cause you know I love it. Try to not make these out, just relaxed, boooooom You could also talk about what should we do later on today, while still casually letting out your classic monster bassy farts that are muffled under the covers and giggling. This is a cute scenario, about waking up next to a gassy girl who has no problem letting out big ones in bed.
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