You've had this thought sitting in your head for a while now, haven't you? It's been bugging you even since it crept in and couldn't leave no matter how much you've tried to bury it. Well it's time you finally face that little desire and see how good being true to yourself really feels. There's no point in hiding it away anymore, it's plain as day on your face - you're just waiting for the moment you get to be a dirty little cockslut. Don't worry, the transition will be seamless and perfect. As images of cocks fill your head bit by bit while i speak to you about this little... need of yours, you'll feel more and more comfortable to stroke to the images of huge veiny cocks. Bit by bit the images will become more and more prominent, showing you your deepest desires - to be used and filled by beautiful huge veiny cocks. You'll focus on my voice as i instruct you on how to stroke, you will gaze your eyes upon my ass and then the images of cocks right beside it - both making you excited in different but very delicious ways, until finally, you release all that pent up frustration... and become a perfect little cockwhore, eager to please and be filled by any superior cock...
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