From your hiding place in My pillows, you watch quietly with bated breath as I apply lipstick. As I prepare to start taking photos, I start to sniff out a familiar smell-- It's a tiny. I sniff around impatiently, trying to locate the source of the mouthwatering scent. After a few moments of searching, I discover you, the tiny lurking in my bed. I try to ease your fears, but you note that you're not afraid. Amazed and impressed, I explain that I've been trying to interview a tiny to learn more about the tiny lifestyle. You're a perfect candidate! I'm so glad that you'll answer my questions and satiate the curiosity of a natural-born giantess. I have a list of questions to go through, so bear with me! Once we get through the questions, I give you a tour of my mouth, showing off my straight, white teeth. I point and flex my strong, pink tongue and give you a clear view of the back of my throat. I tell you all about how I've never had any work done on my teeth and they were just made to devour tinies like you. Through with the tour, I thank you again for being so cooperative and double-check to make sure you're ready to be swallowed. I open up my mouth and finally lower you down the hatch!
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