A beautiful woman is alone in her bedroom, resting peacefully, when interrupted by a devious intruder. The creature stands at the foot of her bed when she awakes and immediately casts his spell upon her. She is unable to look away and before long he has convinced her to offer herself to him to feed. She bares her neck and accepts him as he feasts on her. The following night, the creature returns and the woman is immediately under his spell as before. This time, she is more deeply under his control and wishes to be his slave forever. He obliges, but first he feeds on her again. This time he bites her in numerous places, also taking his time in indulging himself in her body- groping her bare breasts, fingering her wet pussy, and finally taking her for himself and fucking her in her bed. When he is finished, she has been transformed into a creature like him- a vampire. She smiles and swears her devotion to her master. Forever.
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