Lauren's van has broken down, but thankfully a nice man has stopped by to lend a hand. Shortly after meeting Lauren though, he decides that she would make a fine addition to his home and freezes her in place with a time altering stop watch. When he stops time on the watch, it also stops Lauren, leaving her completely unaware of what is happening to her while she is frozen. As luck would have it, her van works perfectly fine and is only out of gas. He uses her van to take his frozen toy back home where he continues to manipulate her motionless body. He has fun with her, bringing her in and out of her frozen state and watching her react to the feeling of helplessness, as she realizes that she is powerless to do anything about the situation. Frozen and unfrozen many times. Confused and unaware each time she is unfrozen. Posed like a doll. Legs and feet admired. Acceptance of her situation. Barefoot. No nudity.
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