This is a custom order fetish video. The name Q*** will be used throughout. To order your own custom clip, use the contact info on my studio homepage. The Order: Transformation Breast Expansion Fantasy You are a short and flat-chested girl wearing two ponytails. Try to be as flat as you can. You are my american cousin who come to visit me in Spain. I'm 6ft tall, try to put the cam at that point of view to simulate my height. I offer you a room to stay here. You enter the room and I say "she still has the same body as when she was 16 years-old.." You hear me; "what do you say??" Same body as 16 years-old?. I say: "emmm... nothing, nothing... that you are as pretty as always..." but you don't believe me but say: "well... maybe I didn't listen well ..." When you're alone in the room you touch your flat chest while saying: "I wish I could have some boobs... seems my body doesn't want to develop!" Then you go out and near me. You sit on a chair. Meanwhile something is happening in your chest... (make shoots changing to focus in your chest inflating) and you grow boobs. Your shirt becomes tighter. You don't notice it at first, then you touch your chest and realize that something changed... You stand up scared trying to hide your chest with your arms and run to your room. Once there, you close the door. and touch your chest. "Oh my God..." you can't believe it... You take your shirt out staying in the smaller bra with your boobs more out than in. "I have boobs!!" you say realizing what happened... "but... how can it be possible?? I haven't boobs minutes before..." you enjoy touching your boobs. While you're enjoying your new rack you grow the 2 down fangs. (First the lower ones). But you don't notice them. And you have a little growth spurt. Your skirt becomes shorter showing your undies and you grow a bit in the room, making you taller (wearing high heels or being on a little stool). Then you say: "oh my... my dress is too small now..." you didn't realize that it's because you grew a bit taller. "Oh... it seems I grew boobs and gain some weight..." "Lacy, are you ok?" You open the door and I were looking down because I expect to find you shorter than me.. but I begin to look upper slowly until your face. We're eye to eye. "Woooooooooow..." is the only I can say... you look at me enjoying the situation... but then you say: "Quim... you seem shorter..." I say: "that's because you are wearing high heels" and you say: "No, I'm not". You begin to feel scared... "what the hell is happening here??" And you grow the tail. Then I look that you have fangs and I say it to you. You say "are you kidding me?" and touch them. You feel in panic, this is like a nightmare! And you begin to grow again, in front of me and near the door. Your head knocks the room frame and say: "ouch!" and move because you still growing, your head reach the roof. (Be on a chair or something without shoot the chair, obviously). Your shirt rips making your boobs free. You stop growing, your head is almost touching the roof. "I don't know what happened to me..." you say and looking at me say (always trying to hide your boobs and vagina with your hands) : "well... I think that I'm not going to be your petite and flat cousin anymore". Then something feel weird in your mouth... and you grow the longer fangs. Then you say so worried: "well... I don't know how I'm going to explain to my mom when I return to USA that her daughter is now a huge monstrous amazon... I can't fit inside an airplane!!"
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