Nurse Scarlet Rose is masked and wearing her uniform. She has taken you to her ward because you've been a bad patient. But that's about to change now that you are under her care. She has restrained you and is preparing you for a procedure so she can have full control over you. Next she gags you then puts on her long gloves. Then she shaves you as she informs you of her special plans for you. Later she sounds your urethra by using a Foley catheter. Once finished she then comforts you and returns with a thick diaper for you to wear! Next Scarlet diapers you then grabs an anesthesia mask and puts you under. It's time to say goodbye to your manhood! Things go dark for you as you fade in and out during the operation. Finally you wake up, she informs you that you are no longer a man now but her incontinent little one!
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