Featuring Riot Starter: It's been about a year since dummy had his first competitive wrestling match. He had no idea what to expect and Riot wiped the floor with him in "Wrestle Riot for your Freedom". So, now he gets a chance at a rematch. As the clip begins, he expresses that he thinks he's learned a few things and has a strange, undeserved confidence that he can prevent the same thing from happening all over again. Riot doesn't take long to humble him. She corners him early, has him in a figure four in no time. Then a rear naked not long after. He's tapping early and often and given the foolish confidence he exhibited early, She's not always so quick to let him free. He tries and tries, and every single time ends up rendered helpless. As the match goes on, Riot is full of energy, barely breaking a sweat, while dummy's struggles have worn him out. The last part of the clip was basically just a victory lap because off how useless he was. Riot got a nice victory pose in with Her foot on his chest, and then transitioned Her last reverse scissorhold into a facesit to further humiliate Her opponent. Maybe he'll think twice and keep his mouth shut next time. I'm behind the camera the entire clip mocking him and thoroughly enjoying the destruction.
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