Wheel of Fortune: The Ups and Downs of Life Four of Cups: Depressions and Being Hesitant to Spirituality Page of Cups: Self Love Realizing that life is full of ups and downs, it is time to roll with the flow of life, you don't have to fight it. Maybe it is time to look and learn from a higher Source. Don't forget to have a Self-Love! The FlipSide of it all: Don't Be Defeated by a perceived misfortune, learn from it. Embrace the new relationship and instructions from a Higher Source, and don't miss the opportunity for growth... And don't beat yourself up... it's all about baby steps to make it to the next phase!!! Overall: 1) Be Fluid 2) Talk to your Souce, whatever that maybe 3) Self Love!!! Look for growth. Life is a cycle, take it in stride! Excuse the creature noises in the background... they are active.. haha
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