I’m in my bathroom, sitting on the toilet in my clothes ;) I’m wearing a black and white striped jumper, a tight pair of pale blue jeans, and my cute little feet are bare. You might remember that I recently told you a naughty story about wetting on the toilet. Well, my bladder just happens to be full to the brim, and I’ve decided to go for the sequel…only this time my jeans will be staying on! I turn around and then straddle the toilet, so that my pert little bum is facing the camera, and allow a hot powerful jet to burst through my jeans and into the toilet bowl below! It makes a beautifully loud splashing noise as it hits the water, and I inch myself up onto my tiptoes so that you can see the liquid coming through the denim :D The light colour of the jeans really shows up the wet stains, and my crotch and the insides of my legs are absolutely soaked! When I’m finally through, I stand up and show off just how wet my jeans are, and then I sit back down onto the toilet and carry on chatting. It just goes to show that you certainly don’t need to remove your jeans before using the toilet ;)
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