Custom Script: In this video, you are wearing a short skirt, pantyhose, and heels. You are a hitwoman sent to take out two Detectives who have obtained some evidence on your employer, enough to put him away for a long time. The video starts with the camera looking up at you like you have your heel on the throat of a man. Your employer gives you the job, and you accept as you say you are finishing up now. You take out the loser victim. You track the Detectives down at a crime scene. There are two uniform cops at the door. You seduce them into taking themselves out. They are comfortable, and you make them put their G U N S in each other mouths. You have the pull the trigger. You walk in, and the Detectives question why you are at their crime scene and how you passed all the other cops. You sit down and cross your legs. You say you told the other cops to take a break. (You took them out). One of the Detective leaves to check on the other cops. You mean the remaining Detective you need some information. He is distracted by your legs and body. You continue to flirt and seduce with your legs. You can make him do whatever you want. You ask about the files on your employer. He says his partner has a flash drive with the evidence. You tell him you were hired to take them out. Just like you took out all the other cops in the building. You remind you are on the top of a high rise building, and he looks like he could use some air. You can make men do what you want by seducing them. Your legs are to dye for. You tell him to jump out of the window, and he does. You smile and say bye bitch. The second detective returns after finding all the other cops have been taken out. He points his G U N at you, telling you are under arrest. You smile and start showing more crossed legs. He asks where his partner went. You say he stepped out for some fresh air. He tells you to put your hands up. You tell him No and that he can’t stop looking at your legs. You tell him to get on his knees. He says no, so you cross your legs again. He submits and falls to his knees. You tell him to put the G U N in his mouth. The Detective does what you say. You tell him he looks good with a G U N in his mouth. You tell him you were hired to take him and his partner out. The other cops were collateral damage. You want the evidence on your employer. He mumbles ( because of the G U N in his mouth) that it is on a flash drive in his pocket. You tell him to set it on the table. You ask who else knows, and he says he and his partner. You tell that’s good that you already took him out. You tell him to pull the trigger. You stand over him, looking down at the cam. You call your employer and say the job is done. You stand up and look that the Detective and say bye, loser. You walk out.
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