I'm relaxing on the sofa when my annoying little step-brother comes in demanding that I move my fat ass so he can sit on the couch. I refuse to get up, but he keeps badgering me. Finally, I've had enough. I get up and grab him. I inform him he wont be sitting on my couch today. He calls me fat again and tells me to buy some clothes that fit. Enraged, I grab him and throw him over my shoulder. He screams and kicks as I spin him around several feet of the ground. He begs for me to put him down, so I finally do. I drop him onto the couch and then drop my massive fat body down right on top of him! I squash and crush Aiden beneath my massive 80 inch ass. He struggles to breathe and attempts to push me off of him, but it's no use. I'm much too heavy for a skinny wimp like Aiden to move me.
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