Kitzi Clown's freakshow is experiencing a loss in ticket sales. Kitzi thinks it must be because the fat woman just isn't fat enough! She can't have that, so she uses her evil clown magic to bewitch a cupcake. Ivy used to be the fattest woman in the world - but now she's been surpassed so she must eat the magic cupcake to instantly gain more weight to take her spot back. Ivy does not want to eat this cupcake and says she already fat enough, but Kitzi tells her she must eat or be fired. Kitzi says she must gain a minimum of 200 pounds to begin and the cupcake will help her get there. After she gains the 200, she must keep gaining until she's gained 750 pounds and is completely immobile. She must really become the biggest the world has ever seen! Ivy finally gives in and takes a bite - and immediately starts gaining! Ivy tries to stop eating but she can't resist, the spell has already taken over. Kitzi laughs maniacally, knowing her evil magic has done it's job!
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