Lisa Harlotte likes her body, but like most women wishes she had a few more curves. She longs to have fuller breasts and a fatter ass. She has purchased a special enchanted cake from a witch that is going to help her become curvier. She eats the entire cake and then suddenly is overcome with a pang of ravenous hunger! Her stomach growls and she is so hungry it hurts! She raids the kitchen and prepares a massive 3 lb box of pasta with sauce and cheese for herself. She's so hungry she can't even bother to use silverware. She greedily shovels fistfuls of the carb-loaded food into her hungry mouth. She eats and eats and eats like a ravenous hog until she feels so full she can't move. She falls resting on the sofa covered in food like a fat slob. She awakes several hours later pleased to see that her tits seem to have grown quite a bit, but that's not all that seems to have grown. She notices over her newly plumped chest that she has grown a huge round gut! She struggles to her feet and is horrified when she realizes that she has completely transformed from a fit attractive girl to a 500+ pound quaking blob of lard!!! Lisa inspects her new body and is shocked at just how obese she has become. This was NOT the plan at all and now she's so fat there is no hope in her ever reverting back to her former attractive thin self!
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