Rose Black is minding her own business and walking along when Kristi Maxx sticks her arm out knocking Rose to the floor! Rose looks up to see three fat girls staring down at her. Ivy kicks her side and laughs. Wood, Kristi, and Ivy all insult Rose and laugh at her for being so small and weak. These fat girls are so big and mean! The fatties strip Rose down to nothing but her thigh highs. They laugh at her and make her to sniff their smelly pits and fat asses as they talk about how thin, tiny and pathetic Rose is. They even take turns crushing her with their bellies, knocking her head around and pulling on her hair. Poor little Rose walked by the wrong fat girls today. They finish their torment by tossing her frail body onto the couch and plopping down on top of her, squashing her.
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